Главная Новости Общество события Известные бренды, которые ушли из России и те, которые решили остаться: стал известен весь список
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Известные бренды, которые ушли из России и те, которые решили остаться: стал известен весь список

Эксперты разделили иностранные компании на пять категорий, относительно того, как они отреагировали на санкции против России

4 апреля 2022, 10:25 comments2460
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Открытым вторжение армии путинского режима в Украину Россия подписала смертный приговор своей экономике. Против страны-агрессора были введены беспрецедентные санкции. В итоге, западные компания стали покидать российский рынок. Но остались и такие, которые не захотели терять прибыль и на свой страх и риск остались работать в России, стараясь не замечать критику в свой адрес. Так на сегодняшний день более 500 компаний заявили о своем уходе из РФ, 38 известных брендов продолжают работать в России, поддерживая терроризм и преступления. Как передает портал "Комментарии", об этом пишет "Inventure".

Известные бренды, которые ушли из России и те, которые решили остаться: стал известен весь список

Мировые бренды. Фото: inventure.com.ua

Эксперты разбили список западных компаний, которые приняли решение покинуть российский рынок, на пять категорий. 

Первая категория – это те компании и предприятия, которые приняли решение полностью выйти из России.

Вторая категория – это компании, которые вышли из РФ, но при этом оставили за собой право иметь несколько вариантов возврата. Такие компании временно приостановили свои операции и деятельность в России.

Третья категория – компании, которые частично свернули свою деятельность. Компании сокращают одни бизнес-операции, но продолжая другие.

Четвертая категория – такие компании приняли решение заморозить новые инвестиции и расширение деятельности. Предприятия, которые относятся к этой категории, продолжают свою деятельность в России, но при этом пока приостановили планирование, как дальше развиваться.

Ну, и пятая категория – предприятия и компании, которые проигнорировали требованиями западных правительств уйти из России. Такие компании продолжают работать в России, как и в довоенное время.

Читайте также на портале "Комментарии" — Россия ракетными ударами накрывает юг – снова досталось Одессе и Николаеву.

Список иностранных компаний и их текущий статус деятельности в России

DIGGING IN / Пренебрежение требованиями о выходе из России

Aalbertsstill operating in Russia with less than 11% of revenue from Russia
Acerstill operating in Russia with significant market share
Alibabastill operating in Russia with AliExpress joint venture and stake in VK
Align Technologystill operating in Russia with Moscow office and sourcing
Asusciting conditions for effective standstill in Russian operations without actually suspending operations
Auchan-Retailstill operating in Russia with $3.5 billion in revenue from Russia, owned by Association Familiale Mulliez
Cersanitstill operating in Russia with sanitation equipment exports
Check Point Softwareselling cybersecurity products in Russia
Cloudflarecontinue sales & services in Russia
Didiexplicitly reversed decision to exit Russia
dōTERRAstill operating in Russia
Egon Zehnderstill operating in Russia
Emirates Airlinesstill flying to Russia
Eutelsatprovide satellite TV services to Russia with 5-10% of revenues from Russia
FM Globalcontinuing Russian relationships with deep relationship with Ingosstrakh
Glencorereviewing Russian holdings but holding significant Russian equity stakes in Rosneft and others
Grumastill operating in Russia
Huaweistill operating in Russia as leading telecom-equipment vendor in Russia
Ingkastill operating in Russia with 14 shopping malls in Russia
Institute of Internal AuditorsUkraine affiliate specifically make a plea for them to suspend the Russian franchise but they did not
Intermediastill operating in Russia with R&D team of 300 in St. Petersburg
International Paperstill operating in Russia with significant stake in Ilim
Koch Industriesstill operating in Russia with several business lines in Russia
Korn Ferrystill operating in Russia
Kronospanstill operating in Russia with several plants and subsidiaries
Lenovostill operating in Russia
Leroy Merlinstill operating in Russia with $4 billion in revenue from Russia, owned by Association Familiale Mulliez
Manitowocstill maintaining office in Russia with less than 5% of revenue from Russia and ~20 employees
Metrostill operating in Russia with $3 billion in revenue
MOLGroupstill operating in Russia with development and operation of Baitugan field
MSIstill operating in Russia with significant market share
Raiffeisen Bank Internationalstill operating in Russia with $25 billion in net exposure to Russia
Societe Generalestill operating in Russia with $20 billion in net exposure to Russia and 2.8% of income
Tencentstill operating in Russia with major investment in VK
Titan Internationalstill operating in Russia with 6% of revenues from Russia
Turkish Airlinesstill flying to Russia
Xiaomistill operating in Russia as #2 in phone sales in Russia
Wex Inc.continuing relationship with Lukoil and subsidiaries as top fuel payment processing service

BUYING TIME / Приостановка новых инвестиций и расширения деятельности

Abbott Labssuspend non-essential business activity
Abbviesuspend aesthetics operations, pause new clinical trials
Accorsuspend new investments/development
ADMunspecified scaling down of non-essential operations
Air LiquideSome clients no longer supplied, others scaled down; all Russian investments on hold
Allianzmeaningfully reduce exposure to Russia
AmerisourceBergencease new business initiatives but continue existing clinical trials, and distributing health products
Arconicpause new contracts but continue existing
AstraZenecahalt new investments/new clinical trials
Baker Hughespaused new investments/development
Ball Corporationpaused future investment in Russia
Barillaall new investments and advertising activities on hold
BASF SEno new business in Russia & Belarus except certain products
Bayerstopping unspecified non-essential business activity
Calfrac Well Servicessuspension of new investments in Russia
Cargillunspecified scaling down of non-essential operations
Colgate-Palmolivecontinue essential health and hygiene products
Credit Suissestop new business in Russia while meaningfully cutting exposure
Danonesuspend all investment projects but continue dairy products
Emerson Electrichalt new investments in Russia
Focus Brands — Cinnabonno new investments and expansion plans on hold
General Millssuspend capital investments/advertising for JV
GlaxoSmithKlinestopped advertising/new clinical trials in Russia
Greifcanceled future investments in Russia
Halliburtonsuspend future business in Russia
Henkelstop ads in state-owned media and freeze future investment plans in Russia
Hiltonsuspend new investments/close corporate office
Hinessuspend new investments in Russia
Holcimsuspend new investments in Russia
HSBCcurtail Russian access to capital markets
Hyattsuspend investments and new developments
ID Logisticssuspend new investment in Russia
ING NVno new business in Russia
Intercontinental Hotelsended new investments/closed corporate office
IPG Photonicssuspend new investments and business development in Russia
Japan Tobaccostopped new investments and marketing activities in Russia
Johnson & Johnsonpause patient enrollment in ongoing trials
Julius Baersuspend new business in Russia and reduce current exposure
Kimberly-Clarksuspend new investments in Russia
Knaufstill operating in Russia
Kraft Heinz — JBSstopped new investments and exports/imports from Russia
Lamb Westonhalted the export of products to/from Russia and suspended investments in new production
Lindesuspend new development/investments
Marriottsuspend new investment/close corp. office
Merckno further investments/clinical trial enrollment
Mohawk Industriessuspend new investments in Russia
Mondelez — Nabiscoscaling back unspecified non-essential activities in Russia
Nestlehalted non-essential imports/exports to Russia, stopped all advertising, and suspended all capital investment
Norsk Hydrofreeze Russian investments/no new contracts
Otis Worldwideno new investments/new contracts but fulfill existing agreements
Pfizerstopped new investments/clinical trials in Russia
Philip MorrisStop new investments including $150MM, paused marketing, canceled product launches
Pirellisuspend new investments in Russia
Polpharmastop all new investments and limit deliveries to essential drugs only
Procter & Gamblescale back unspecified operations in Russia and stop new investments
Reckitt Benckiser Groupfroze capital investments/all advertising, promotion, and sponsorship
Rockwoolcancel new investments in Russia
Sanofihalting advertising and promotional spending and new recruitment of patients clinical trials, continue medical supply and treating current patients
SC Johnsonstopped new investments and scaled back unspecified operations
Schlumbergerstopped new investment and technology deployment to our Russia operations
Schneider Electrichalted new investments and international delivery of new project orders destined to Russia and Belarus
Siemensall new business in and international deliveries to Russia and Belarus are on hold
Siemens Energy AG (Independent)freeze new business in Russia
Subwaysuspend new investments/advertising
TotalEnergiesno longer will provide capital for new projects in Russia/stop purchasing Russian oil
Trafigurafroze investments in Russia
UBSsuspend new business in Russia and reduce current exposure by helping clients unwind Russia securities
Unileverstopped inports/exports and stopped all advertising and investments
Weatherford Internationalsuspend new investments/deployments in Russia
Young Livingstill operating in Russia with distributors in Russia

SCALING BACK / Сокращение, частичное сворачивание деятельности

Amadeus IT Groupsuspend partnership with Aeroflot
Bacardipaused exports to Russia but not domestic operations
BNP Paribassuspend new business in Russia/curtail financing
Boschsuspend some shipments and plants but not all
Bungesuspend exports but continue certain domestic
Caterpillarsuspend minor Russian manufacturing facilities but not import sales
Coinbaseblock certain illicit Russian accounts but not all
Deeresuspend shipments into Russia only
Dowsuspend investments/some purchases but not all
Elseviersuspended all sales except essential health products
Fieldfisherterminate certain Russian relationships
Fortivesuspend most operations except medical essentials
GEStopped sales in Russia and Belarus expect health products
Goldman Sachswind down business in Russia but buy Russian debt
JPMorganwind down business in Russia but buy Russian debt
Kearneyno new client work in Russia
Kelloggsuspend new investments except essentials (minor)
Marsscale back business and stopped advertising/new investments/exports in Russia
Mielesuspend operations except exempt healthcare
Nalco Water (Ecolab)suspended services except services critical to health
Naturasuspend some subsidiary operations but not all
NielsenIQsuspend consulting service but not core business
Nokian Tyresmeaningfully reduce production in Russia
Oriflame Cosmeticssuspend online sales to end consumers but not others
Pepsisuspend operations in Russia except essentials
PPGscale back majority of operations and suspend new investments in Russia
Sidley Austinsuspend services for all Kremlin entities
Sinopecsuspend $500MM new investment and significant operations and partnerships
Skaddensuspend certain operations in Russia but not all
Whirlpoollimiting production in Russia
Yum Brandssuspend operations of company-owned restaurants and new investments in Russia

SUSPENSION / Выход с сохранением вариантов возврата

3Msuspend operations in Russia
Abrdnsuspend investments in Russia and reduce exposure
Adidassuspend operations in Russia
Adobesuspend all sales in Russia
ADPsuspend new sales/services to Russia
Airbussuspend supply of parts to Aeroflot
Akamaisuspend sales in Russia
Akin Gumpsuspend operations in Russia
Alphabetsuspend all operations in Russia
Alstomsuspend shipments to Russia
Amazonsuspend operations in Russia
American Expresssuspend operations in Russia
Amwaysuspend operations in Russia
AB InBevsuspend licenses for production and sales in Russia
Applesuspend all sales
Aston Martinsuspend all shipments to Russia
Atlas Copcosuspend deliveries in Russia
Atlassiansuspend new software sales to Russia
Bainsuspend consulting for all Russian businesses
Bank of Chinacurtail Russian access to capital markets
Bentleysuspend all shipments to Russia
Boeingsuspend operations in Russia/titanium purchases
Bombardierrestrict new Russian business
Bridgestone Tiresuspend manufacturing in Russia and shipments into
Budvarsuspend all shipments to Russia
Burberrysuspend all shipments to Russia
Burger King (Restaurant Brands)halt corporate support for franchises
Canada Goosesuspend all shipments to Russia
Canadian Tireclose Russia stores
Canonsuspend deliveries in Russia
CBREsuspend new investments in Russia
Chanelsuspend all operations in Russia
Chipperfieldsuspend operations in Russia
Ciscosuspend all operations in Russia
Citiexpand the scope of the exit process
Citrixsuspend all sales to Russia
Cleary Gottliebsuspend Russian operations
Cloroxsuspend business activity in Russia
CMA CGMsuspend all shipments to Russia
Coca-Colasuspend certain operations in Russia
Cogent Communicationscut all internet to Russia
Commerzbanksuspend operations in Russia
Conformissuspend distribution operations in Russia
Continentalsuspend operations at a factory
Dassault Aviationsuspend all shipments to Russia
Debevoise & Plimptonsuspend operations in Russia
Dellsuspend all shipments to Russia
Deutsche Bankwind down business in Russia
DHLsuspend all shipments to Russia
Diageosuspend all shipments to Russia
DirecTVcut Kremlin backed TV networks
Discoversuspend efforts to establish Russian presence
Disneypause new content releases
DSV A/Ssuspend all shipments to Russia
Dunkin Donutshalt corporate support for franchisees
Embraersuspend supplying parts and services to Russia
Ericssonsuspend all shipments to Russia
Estee Laudersuspend operations in Russia
FedExsuspend all shipments to Russia
Ferrarisuspend sales in Russia
Fordsuspend joint ventures in Russia
Geberitdiscontinue all operations in Russia but continue to pay employees
GMsuspend all shipments to Russia
Grupo Bimbosuspend Russian operations
H&Msuspend all shipments to Russia
Hapag Lloydsuspend all shipments to Russia
Harley-Davidsonsuspending all business in Russia
Heidrick & Strugglessuspend all operations in Russia
Herbalifesuspend sales and shipments to Russia
Hermessuspend all operations in Russia
Hitachi Constructionsuspend all shipments to Russia
HMMsuspend all shipments to Russia
Hondasuspend all shipments to Russia
Honeywellsuspend virtually all sales in Russia
HP Inc.suspend all shipments to Russia
HP Enterprise (Independent from HP Inc.)suspend all shipments to Russia
Hyundaisuspend manufacturing in Russia
IBMsuspend technology sales to Russia on Feb 24
Ikeasuspend all operations in Russia
Imperial Brandssuspend operations in Russia
Indeedsuspend service in Russia
Inditexclose Russian stores and suspend sales
Intelsuspend sales to Russia
Intuitsuspend customer accounts
Ivecosuspend deliveries to Russia
Jaguarsuspend all shipments to Russia
JCBsuspend operations in Russia
JD Sportssuspend operations in Russia
Johnson Controlssuspend operations in Russia
Juniper Networkssuspend sales in Russia
JYSKsuspend operations in Russia
Keringclose all stores in Russia
Kinross Goldsuspend operations in Russia
Komatsususpend all shipments to Russia
Legosuspend all shipments to Russia
Leica Camera AGsuspend operations in Russia
Levi Strausssuspend all sales in Russia
Lexmarksuspend shipments to Russia
LG Electronicssuspend all shipments to Russia
Lindt-Sprunglisuspend operations in Russia
Logitechsuspend shipments to Russia
L'Orealsuspend operations in Russia
Louis Dreyfussuspend operations in Russia
Lumencut networks to Russia
LVMHsuspend all operations in Russia
Maersksuspend all shipments to Russia
Magnasuspend Russian plants
Mangosuspend direct operations in Russia
Marks & Spencersuspend all shipments to Russia
Mastercardsuspend operations in Russia
Mattelsuspend shipments into Russia
Mazdasuspend all shipments to Russia
McCain Foodssuspend operations in Russia
McCormicksuspend operations in Russia
McDonald'ssuspend direct operations/restaurants
Mercedes-Benzsuspend all shipments to Russia
Metasuspend Russian advertising
Metso Outotecsuspend all shipments to Russia
Mettler Toledosuspend all shipments to Russia
Microsoftsuspend all operations in Russia
Monclersuspend operations in Russia
Mothercaresuspend operations in Russia
MVRDVsuspend operations in Russia
Neste Oyjsuspend purchases of Russian oil
NHLpause all partnerships in Russia
Nikesuspend all operations in Russia
Nintendosuspend all sales in Russia
Nissansuspend all shipments to Russia
Nokiasuspend all shipments to Russia
Nvidiasuspend all sales in Russia
Oraclesuspend all operations in Russia
Panasonicsuspend operations in Russia
Papa John'ssuspend support for all Russian franchises
Paramountpause new content releases to Russia
Payoneerclose Russian accounts
Paypalsuspend operations in Russia
Ponsse PLCdiscontinue all operations in Russia
Pradasuspend operations in Russia
Preem ABsuspend purchases of Russian oil
Pumasuspend all shipments to Russia
PVHsuspend operations in Russia
Qualcommsuspend shipments to Russia
Rabobankcurtail Russian access to capital markets
Ralph Laurenpause operations in Russia
Raytheonsuspend operations in Russia
Remitly Globalstop accepting new users in Russia
Renaultsuspend operations in Russia
Richemontsuspend all operations in Russia
Ricohsuspend shipments to Russia
Rockwell Automationsuspend operations in Russia
Rolls Roycesuspend all shipments to Russia
Salesforcesuspend operations in Russia
Samsonite Internationalsuspend operations in Russia
Samsungsuspend all shipments to Russia
Sandviksuspend all operations in Russia
Scandinavian Tobaccosuspend most operations in Russia
Scaniasuspend all sales in Russia
Skodasuspend all production in Russia
Snapsuspend all sales to Russia
SonoSimsuspend distributor relationship in Russia
Sonypause release of new films in Russia, suspending console and game sales in Russia
Starbuckssuspend all operations in Russia
Stellantissuspend operations in Russia
Subarususpend all shipments to Russia
Swatchsuspend direct operations in Russia
Sylvamosuspend operations in Russia
Thermo Fishersuspend sales and manufacturing in Russia
TikToksuspend operations in Russia
Timkensuspend operations in Russia
Toyotasuspend all shipments to Russia
Trane Technologiessuspend shipments to Russia
Trimblesuspend all sales in Russia
TSMCsuspend all shipments to Russia
Twin Discsuspend all shipments to Russia
Twittersuspend certain operations in Russia
Under Armoursuspend all shipments to Russia
Uniqlo/Fast Retailingsuspend operations in Russia
Universalsuspend operations in Russia
UPSsuspend all shipments to Russia
Valero Energysuspend purchases of Russian oil
Valiosuspend operations in Russia
Visasuspend operations in Russia
Viva Energysuspend purchases of Russian oil
VMWaresuspend operations in Russia
Volkswagensuspend all shipments to Russia
Volvosuspend all shipments to Russia
WarnerMediapause new content releases
Western Unionsuspend operations in Russia
Wise PLCsuspend Russian partnerships
Xeroxsuspend shipments to Russia
ZHAsuspend operations in Russia

WITHDRAWAL / Полный выход

Accentureexiting Russia completely
Acronissuspend operations in Russia
Activision Blizzardsuspend all sales in Russia
Adenzasuspend operations in Russia
AECOMsuspend operations in Russia
AerCapcease lending to Russians
Airbnbsuspend bookings in Russia
Air Productsfull divestiture from Russia
Alaska Airlinessuspend Russian partnerships
Alcoasuspend all business with Russia
Aldiremove products from Russia
Allen & Overyrefuse new Russian partnerships but continue existing
AMDsuspend all sales to Russia
American Airlinesno flying over Russian airspace/suspension of Russian partnerships
Asdaremove products from Russia
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bankcurtail Russian access to capital markets
Asossuspend all shipments to Russia
Assicurazioni Generaliexit Russia completely
Authentic Brands Group — Reeboksuccessfully completed suspension of all operations
Autodesksuspend operations in Russia
Avery Dennisonexit Russian operations
Avidsuspend all sales to Russia
Baker Bottssuspend operations in Russia
Baker McKenziesuspend services for all Kremlin entities only
Baker Tillygradual wind down of operations in Russia
BBDOexit Russian operations
BCGsuspend all consulting in Russia
BlackRockcurtail Russian access to capital markets
Boltsuspend Russian partnerships
Boohoo Groupsuspend all shipments to Russia
Bookingsuspend bookings in Russia
Bosesuspend all operations in Russia
BPsuspend operations/divest from 20% Rosneft stake
British American Tobaccoexit Russian operations
Brown-Formansuspend commercial operations in Russia
Bryan Caveexit Russian operations
Bumblesuspend operations in Russia
Carlsbergexit Russia completely
Carnivaldiscontinue Russia itineraries
Centricaexit gas supply partnership with Gazprom
Clarivateexit Russian operations
Clifford Chancesuspend certain Russian relationships
Coupasuspend operations in Russia
Courserasuspend operations in Russia
Crocssuspend D2C business
Cumminsexit Russian operations
Daimlersuspending all business in Russia
DB Schenkersuspend all shipments to Russia
DDBexit Russian operations
Dechertsuspend operations in Russia
Deezersuspend operations in Russia
Deloitteleaving Russia completely
Delta Air Linessuspend agreement with Aeroflot
Dentonsexit Russian operations
Dentsu Internationaldivest joint venture/leave Russia
Deutsche Telekomclose Russian business
DLA Pipersuspend certain operations in Russia
DXC Technologyleaving Russia completely
EarthDaily Analyticssuspend operations in Russia
eBaysuspend all shipments to Russia
Electronic Artssuspend all operations in Russia
Enidivest Russian pipeline
EPAMdiscontinue servicing Russian customers
Equinorexit joint ventures in Russia
Esricurtailing sales to Russia
Etsydeactivate all listings from Russian sellers
Eurovisionban on all Russian competition
Eversheds Sutherlandclose Russia office
Expediasuspend bookings in Russia
Exxonexit Rosneft partnership
EYleaving Russia completely
Farfetchsuspend all shipments to Russia
Fazersuspend operations in Russia
FICOexiting all work in Russia
Ferragamosuspend all shipments to Russia
FIFAban Russian athletes from competing
Fitchsuspend operations in Russia
Formula Onesuspend all operations in Russia
Fortinetsuspend operations in Russia
Freshfieldsclosing business in Russia
Geodissuspend all shipments to Russia
Global Foundriessuspend all shipments to Russia
Grainprosuspend all operations in Russia
Grammarlysuspend operations in Russia
Grant Thorntonclosing business in Russia
Hanielunwind all Russian business
Heinekenexit Russia completely
Herbert Smithsuspend operations in Russia
Hogan Lovellsexit Russian operations
ICBCcurtail Russian access to capital markets
Intercontinental Exchangecurtail Russian access to capital markets
International Boxing Federationban on all Russian competition
International Cat Federationban Russian cats from competitions
International Cycling Unionban on all Russian competition
International Ice Hockey Federationban on all Russian competition
International Skating Unionban on all Russian competition
International Tennis Federationsuspend Russian partnerships
International Weightlifting Federationban on all Russian competition
Interpublic Groupexit Russian operations
IOCban Russian athletes from competing
J Sainsburyremove products from Russia
JetBrainssuspend all activity indefinitely
Knight Franksuspend new investments in Russia
Korean Air Linesno flying over Russian airspace until the end of April
KPMGleaving Russia completely
Kuehne + Nagel AGsuspend all shipments to Russia
Latham & Watkinssuspend operations in Russia
Linklaterssuspend operations in Russia, with entities connected to the Russian state
Live Nation Entertainmentsuspend all operations in Russia
London Stock Exchange Groupcurtail Russian access to capital markets
Marsh McLennanexit operations in Russia
McKinseysuspend all consulting in Russia
Monroe Energysuspend partnerships with Russia
Moody'ssuspend operations within Russia
Morgan Lewissuspend operations in Russia
Morrisonsremove products from Russia
MSCtemporary suspension of all shipments to Russia
MSCIcurtail Russian access to capital markets
Nasdaqcurtail Russian access to capital markets
Naspersseparate from Avito and fully exit Russia
Netflixsuspend operations in Russia
Netscoutsuspend Russian operations
New Development Bankcurtail Russian access to capital markets
Norton Rose Fulbrightexit from Russia
Norwegian Cruise Linesdiscontinue Russian itineraries
Oceania Cruisesdiscontinue Russian itineraries
Omnicom Group, Inc.exit Russian operations
Omnicom Media Groupexit Russian operations
OMVdivest Russian projects
OneWebsuspend use of Russian airspace
Orklaexit Russian operations
Par Pacificsuspend partnerships with Russia
Pauligsuspend operations in Russia
Publicis Groupcede ownership to local affiliates
PwCleaving Russia completely
R&Aban on all Russian competition
Radio Free Europesuspend operations in Russia
Regent Seven Seas Cruisesdiscontinue Russian itineraries
Rokuremove Kremlin-linked propaganda and ads
Rolexsuspend exports to Russia
S&Pcurtail Russian access to capital markets
Sabresuspend partnership with Aeroflot
SAPstop all sales to Russia and shut down cloud operations
Savillssuspend new investments in Russia
Shellsuspend operations in Russia
Signet Jewelerssuspend operations in Russia
Spotifyclosed office and other restrictions
Squire Patton Boggssuspend operations in Russia
Stanley Black & Deckersuspend operations in Russia
State Streetcurtail Russian access to capital markets
Swarovskisuspend all sales in Russia
Take-Two Interactivesuspend all sales in Russia
Teradatastopped all business in Russia
TJ Maxxdivest Familia subsidiary
TripAdvisorremove Kremlin-linked propaganda and ads
Uberdivest from partnership with Yandex
UEFAban Russian athletes from competing
Uniper SEsuspend new Russian gas purchases/divest Unipro
United Airlinesno flying over Russian airspace
Upworksuspend operations in Russia
Vanguardsuspend operations in Russia
Waitroseremove products from Russia
Waters Corporationsuspend all sales and services into Russia
WeWorkplanning divestment of Russian operations
White & Casewind down Russian operations
Winston & Strawnsuspend operations in Russia
Wintershall Dea AGexit Russian investments
Women's Tennis Associationsuspend Russian partnerships
World Athletics Councilban on all Russian competition
World Boxing Associationban on all Russian competition
World Boxing Councilsuspend Russia from title fights
World Boxing Organizationban on all Russian competition
World Federation of Exchangessuspend all Russian members and affiliates
World Rowing Federationban on all Russian competition
World Rugby Unionban on all Russian competition
WPP PLCsuspend all operations in Russia
WWEsuspend all operations in Russia
YOOXsuspend all shipments to Russia

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